

I have been photographing since I was about 7 years old. I have always liked taking pictures of people; the challenge of watching eyes, being patient, going on instinct.

with peace belt buckle, 7 years old, Cape Cod MA.
photo taken by my dad.

I am very lucky to be a photographer. It's a special kind of life, and combines three things that I like a lot: art, science, and working with people.

I began my career in photojournalism after graduating from college in 1991. My work has appeared in The New York Times and the USA Today, among other publications.

self-portrait taken while photographing cardiac surgery -- Boston MA

I have photographed a coup in Haiti and heart surgery in the jungles of Brazil. My assignments have put me in front of Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Jane Goodall, Natalie Merchant, Dizzy Gillespie, Andre Agassi, Larry Bird, Tom Brokaw, Bill Bradley, Emmylou Harris, P.J. Harvey, David Copperfield, Thomas Hoving, David Rockefeller and Dave Matthews.

At the end of the day I look through my photos to see what I have captured. I like the surprises.

You can reach me at (206) 778-4424 or via e-mail at: